Easy-to-use takeoff system for your most complex roofing estimates!
Ziatek RoofDraw fulfills your requirements for an easy-to-use takeoff system for you most complex roofing estimates. The simplicity of its operation defies its power. It can be used as a simple, stand-alone CAD application to draw a roof from field measurements. Even greater automation can be implemented with the feature that imports DXF roof drawing files!
This system can reduce your takeoff time by a factor of 10, and improve your accuracy. The ability to send all quantities into any Windows application eliminates errors that result from manually entering quantities.
With Excel™ being the spreadsheet of choice for most estimators, RoofDraw includes a sample spreadsheet that performs assembly estimate compilation with ease. With little effort, the database can be populated with an estimator’s own items for the types of roof that he works with. At estimate compilation time, the roof type is selected, and all items in that assembly are loaded into the spreadsheet, complete with pricing, conversion factors, formulas, etc. When used in conjunction with Ziatek RoofDraw, this spreadsheet can complete even a complex estimate in minutes!
As a bonus, the spreadsheet and RoofDraw can interact to automatically embed the roof image in the spreadsheet as part of the graphic audit trail. The image is called up by double-clicking on a quantity in the spreadsheet. A single mouse click to the image will hide it.
Steel roof panel quantity surveys are readily generated for any panel width. The results are displayed graphically, and the cut list can be sent into a spreadsheet or any other program that will read in a tab-delimited block of text. Each panel is identified by its facet (A, B, C, …) and panel number within that facet, e.g, A-3, followed by its length.
Closely related to the panel diagram is the framing diagram that generates a rafter layout plan
Ziatek RoofDraw Easy-to-use drawing and takeoff program for roofing takeoffs that does not require a digitizer. | $495 |
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Ziatek RoofDraw Easy-to-use drawing and takeoff program for roofing takeoffs that does not require a digitizer. |
$495 |